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The Oracle
Stage 5 Acacia Hall (10433 83 Ave.)
2.5 stars out of 5
What makes a good Fringe show? It’s a question I often ask artists. Some reply that they like an element of audience participation that contributes to a sense of community. Others see the Fringe as a great way to share a story that matters to them.
Though I didn’t have a chance to ask the performers in The Oracle why they mounted their show, I suspect the above two reasons would fit. As the show opens, a character named Alison dedicates the performance to a loved one who has died and gives her late father credit for the poems that are to follow. Alison then invites the audience to give a shout out to their own dear departed. I heard a lot of “mom” and “dad.” It was moving.
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Connecting with the spirit world is the theme of the show and the three central characters, each in their own way, are on stage to do just that. There’s a bit of a love story.
Three local musicians also take to the stage in a random fashion to entertain with their voices, a guitar, a flute and a harmonica. (I was fascinated with the harmonica player, who had a bandolier — a pocketed belt normally associated with ammunition — strapped to her chest with a selection of harmonicas in lieu of grenades.) There was a singalong.
All of which to say that the evening felt kind, and inclusive and like a search of sorts. But you couldn’t call it a polished performance. The artists acknowledged this at the end, and invited the audience to come back later when they hoped it would be better. Still, I think people left happy. Can’t argue with that.
Find your fringe! You can read all of our reviews here.
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